So, when I finally started my blog I wasn't going to be one of those who never update, but if you look at the dates of my posts, I have become that. Oh well, I said I'd never live in GR and I do, quite happily too :)
So, we went to Iowa, my sister and me and 4 kids under 5. Actually it wasn't too bad in the van for 12.5 hours. We got there just in time to see our youngest brother play 20 minutes of soccer (they lost in the last seconds of overtime, sad). We also stopped by the local gas station that serves as the coffee spot for the locals . . . for Grandpa's birthday coffee. My mom and sisters brought coffee cakes and lots of people stopped by, it was neat. Grandpa's picture and a little "Happy Birthday" note and invite were posted at the main intersection in town. That's how they do things in small town Iowa, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up in the paper :) Then Sat. night we had 60+ people for pizza at Grandpa and Grandma's house.
Happy 92
nd Birthday Grandpa! Grandpa is a devout Christian and has a healthy happy heart after all these year. I love it that he got married at age 30, still had 7 kids, 33
grand kids, and now 35? great
grandkids (I got married at 28). He has had white hair as long as I can remember, not grayish white, pure white, as if it was dyed with bleach. He also has a
Santa belly and uses suspenders to keep up his pants. He always smiles, loves to see his family and comment "Look at all the trouble I started." I can't imagine being 92 years old, but if I reach 92 I hope that I am still able to drive, enjoy church, spend time with family, see 4 generations in one packed house, and be a testimony to those around me, just like Grandpa!
They trip back was more memorable than the trip there . . . we took a wrong turn and with 4 kids we were too distracted to notice and lost 1.5 hours?!? yuck. that's enough to get ya mad. Then we got stopped by a
flagger that had one top tooth and several parts of bottom teeth. He chit chatted with us and after 7 minutes we got to move on. Shortly after that we stopped for a gas, potty break. Then about an hour down the road I realized I didn't know where my cell phone was. UH-OH. While I was
driving my sister looked through all my bags before
suggesting we call it with her phone, it didn't ring :( So I realized that my sister with her 3 was able to get all of them
pottied and changed without any issues, but I (with one child) couldn't keep track of my cell phone. So my lovely husband found the number of the gas station and they found my phone (in the bathroom --
eewww) and will send it to us. I'm still waiting for the phone to arrive, any ideas on disinfecting a phone?!?!?
Briella finally cut her first teeth, the bottom 2 are poking through. I realized this the day I realized I hadn't wiped her nose in 13
minutes. I'm not convinced
the two were related, but I've heard runny noses and teeth go together. She is still as happy as ever :) I know I need to post pictures. I really will take the time to do that soon, really!