Wow, I am getting slower at this. First, congratulations to my sister Jen's family on the birth of a healthy baby girl, Ellie Grace was born on June 6!! Congratulations to Stephan's sister Luanna and family on the birth of a healthy girl yesterady, Acacia Marie! So including Briella and my sister Mindy's daugther that is 4 girls and 1 boy in one year! Briella will have lots of cousins to play with!
We think Briella is teething and that is why she spends an hour or more talking in bed and is happy to see us come in her room to lay her back down. Rather than sucking on her pipe, she puts it in sideways and chews on it, A LOT. She moves all over the place and 'walks' along the couch, she tries to reach everything and amazes me with how far those hands can get! We had her 9 month pictures taken and should be able to pick them up and send them out soon.
In other news, I am finally playing soccer again! I was able to sub for an indoor team with some friends from church and then they decided to put together a co-ed outdoor team. Our first game was last week . . . I am not able to run for 70 minutes, we are supposed to have girl subs next week, we played one girl down and lost 3-1. It was still a ton of fun and I am looking forward to the rest of the season.
Last week Stephan took his service week and taught 4th grade VBS in the mornings and worked at Love Inc in the afternoons. The week went fast and he had a lot of fun, the kids always love him. He is busy at least one night every week with deacon meetings or visits and enjoys softball on Wednesdays. (Thankfully my soccer games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays so we can watch Briella while the other one plays)