Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Postma Family Christmas

Christmas Pictures

Font size Briella figured out how to rip paper, but once she saw a picture of a toy or the toy itself she just wanted it out and was frustrated by the paper.
Great-Grandma Postma with the great-grandkids :)

Grandkids on the steps by their stockings . . . kind of.

Mom Postma set out a bunch of stuffed animals and Briella had tons of fun playing with all of them, preferrably in a pile around her.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thanksgiving Update

Briella did quite well in the van, she was happier when I was in the seat next to her or when she had a snack in each hand.
She learned how to use the remote while at my parent's house. She also found the buttons on the TV and really cracked herself up with these new skills.

One of the highlights of mom's new kitchen is a special cupboard that has a shelf to pull out with her mixer mounted on it. Very handy. Anyway, while the mixer was being used the cupboard was free (well, mostly, Briella just emptied out a few things left) and found a little place to play!

Nap time 'fun'

Briella has been off and on taking morning naps. I have been trying to figure out what works so that I don't have a really crabby girl around 4-5 when I'm trying to get dinner together. So the last two days she has taken a morning nap and I wake her up after about an hour and then put her down around 2-2:30. Yesterday she was awake for quite awhile before actually being quiet, so I assume she did get some sleep . . . but who knows. Today she was mosly quiet for 30 mintues and then I heard what seemed to be cheers of joy and laughter. It was quiet again a minute later, but I decided to check anyway . . . this is what I found:

Recently she has been pulling up her shirt a lot and patting her belly, but evidently she can take it all the way off when she wants to. Interesting.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Computer issues continue

We are still having computer issues, I am able to get online, but we do not have Windows installed, yet. So I have not written or sent a letter with my Christmas pictures . . . the pictures are enveloped, stamped, labelled, but in a box.

I keep thinking that I am catching up with my Bible reading, but then I realize that it is December 12 and I am running out of days in 2008. As of today I have 21 books to read, however many of them are quite short, but that leaves me a book a day including Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelations. But, I press on, enjoying the reading.

I have pictures to post, but will have to do that later. We leave in a week for Kansas City!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We have made it back from Iowa, but our computer died while we were away :( I am at my sisters and decided to do a quick update. I couldn't handle another day without checking my email, blog, bank account, library due dates, etc. . . .
On the trip to IA we stopped at a friends house outside of Des Moines, it was wonderful to get a night of sleep and to break up the trip. It was great to catch up with Brenda and meet her fiance, too!! We got to see lots of people in IA, but not everyone . . . it always goes by so fast! It was wonderful to have Thanksgiving with my mom's family, there were almost 60 of us at Grandpa and Grandma's and enough food for at least 20 more. We also had fun seeing mom and dad's new house in Hull, even though I was forced to take home my 'junk' that I had left stored at their house from highschool and college. I felt old realizing that after my freshman year at Dordt my friends and I wrote real letters since email wasn't a big thing yet--strange. I even found the bathroom log that my roomies and I kept sophmore year. It is just like it sounds, a pad of paper kept near the toilet so you can log the days happenings or thoughts while . . . yeah you can figure it out. It was so funny to skim through the funny things we wrote.
We travelled home on Monday and had really nice weather until we passed Chicago. We had seen a few cars in the ditches along the way, but after Chicago we saw huge flashing lights and a helicopter landed on the interestate, followed by miles of back up. After that we saw several fresh accidents and Stephan slowed down. The trip took a little longer due to the weather, but we were happy to be safely home and sleeping in our own bed!!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!