Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2 Months old

Briella is getting better and better at being a good big sister. It is so cute to see her give him kisses and hugs and every time he cries she looks at me and says "Oooohhhh" with great sympathy.
There is our smiley guy . . . 2 months, 12.5 pounds
Another great example of the sisterly love. I actually took about 6 pictures and he was smiling on some and she was laughing on others, but the ones he is smiling on she is closing her eyes or looking the other way and when she is laughing he is frowning. I'm starting to understand my mother's frustration when trying to take pictures of the 8 of us!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Gideon's Baptism

Gideon was baptized on Sunday, May 10 (Mother's Day). Both sets of parents came from out of state and my brother Tyler and Stephan's sister Kim were able to make it, too. We all had lunch together after church. Gideon was one of four babies baptized, all born between March 4 and April 4.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just call me Betty . . .

Betty homemaker . . . or is it Suzy Homemaker?!?! Anyway, yesterday I made my own baby sling! I found a pattern on line and used our little sewing machine and now I have a sling . . . so maybe I can take 2 kids to the grocery store. Maybe.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A day in the life

Gideon is smiling more and more . . . it is so fun to see him interact more and more!

The following pictures are things Briella the little 'mommy' keeps busy with all day: