Monday, December 28, 2009

What fun we're having

Opening presents . . .

Making almond strips with Grandma VM
Eating almond strips . . . with Grandpa VM
Visiting Grandma M.

and so much more playing, laughing, eating, baking, cooking, napping, crawling, singing, reading, etc.
I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season with friends and family, too!

Merry Christmas

Our Family on Christmas 2009
We have been basically snowed in here in Iowa. There is a ton of snow outside, some huge drifts and piles made from plowing. We have enjoyed a lot of family time.

Monday, December 14, 2009


So, this morning we are still working on the potty training . . . Briella is telling me, quite often, that she has to "go pee on potty" and it is working quite well. Although, I have realized the appeal of pull-ups, initially I thought that was a marketing ploy to get more money . . . But, our diaper is dry and she has 7 stickers in a few hours, along with lots of candy.
I was looking up constipation remedies for 2 year olds that pee on the potty, but haven't pooped recently. I hear "poop on the potty" for the fifth time and think, whatever, I'll be there in a minute. (She has frequently said this and only peed) Then I hear a more urgent "poop on the potty" so I head over to the bathroom. And, yes while I'm looking up constipation, my daughter did her deed in the diaper. unbelievable.
I think we're all glad there are no pictures for this one :)

Friday, December 11, 2009