Monday, May 17, 2010

The Zoo

Last week, I went to the zoo with my sister and cousin and kids (3 adults and 10 kids). As we were getting ready Briella and I were talking about what animals we might see at the zoo. She was hoping for lions and then began wishing for birds and squirrels . . . she got all three! She could usually find the animals as opposed to last year when she missed several.She also enjoyed the "moooookeys."

This was the day that Gideon realized that the great outdoors are preferred over anything indoors . . . he now spends several minutes each morning banging on the back slider, grunting and whining (beware: kids pick up some bad habits at the zoo).

Before we left I took a few pictures of Briella, here is one of my favorites.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You might be a mom

You might be a mom to little ones IF. . .
. . . hearing a little splashing makes you run for the bathroom.
. . . you know that adjustable waist pants/shorts are not just convenient, but necessary to avoid seeing crack all day!
. . . you pat yourself on the back after getting groceries with the kids
. . . during meals you say things like "take a bite" "don't throw that" "no spitting" "all gone?" "say please"
. . . after you finish eating, you still sit at the table waiting for others(see below) to finish, for a very.long.time.