If you read more than a few blogs, you might see little buttons on the side or weekly linky parties where a blogger picks a category (usually beginning with the first letter of the day she posts) and then anyone can post something similar and link to the original post and they all check each others ideas or pictures or meal plans or tips . . . it is interesting. Actually it is a little humorous because I first saw lots of "Wordless Wednesday" posts and it is a fun, easy way to post a picture. Then I ran into "Works for me Wednesday" where there are tons of household tips and I thought I wonder if anyone does both WW's, how weird would that be?!?! Then I saw Gratituesday, Thankful Thursday, Meal Plan Monday, Friday Funnies, Sunday Sweets (actually they aren't all linky parties, but 'series' of posts).
blah, blah, blah
So, I was going to share a few ideas and I always pause to think of a catchy title and giggle at the same letter titles because sometimes silly things make me laugh. So I might have some Friday Funnies tomorrow, but I probably won't get to them . . . but I am writing my thoughts here on Thursday--I just had to check my calendar, it is Thursday so it is a good day to be thoughtful ;)
I've been reading tons of books for our church library recently and it has been such a blessing. Last week I finished Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World about spending quiet time in the Word and setting aside our Martha desires to do it all. It was so refreshing, especially at the start of a new year when we are tempted to set all sorts of goals of things we want/need to achieve in the new year. I was reminded over and over again that although taking care of my family is important, sitting at Jesus' feet in quiet devotions is what I am called to do as well. Tonight I am starting Weaver's sequel Having a Mary Spirit, so I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Another awesome book I recently finished is Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. The subtitle is "What if God created marriage more to make us holy than to make us happy?" Every time I read that I would pause and just think how profoundly challenging that is to me. I was single for many years and thought that marriage was the key to happiness, now I nod with Gary and see that God is teaching me to be holy as He works in my heart through my marriage. He quotes someone at the beginning of a chapter and I need to paraphrase because I no longer have the book here, getting married is like buying a full length mirror (you see all you faults more clearly)--how true!!
Tonight I finished Instructing a Child's Heart by Tedd and Margy Tripp. (He wrote Shepherding a Child's Heart which is an excellent book.) The Tripp's write about the importance of not only reading the Bible daily with our children, but talking about the stories and truths of God's Word as we interact with our children, that our example is teaching them just as much as our words, and that having conversations about discipline issues are much more meaningful when they understand the truths of the gospel because they are such an integral part of our lives and our speech. They focus more on the importance of teaching our children the centrality of Christ in our lives than on discipline, but there are a lot of practical examples that are helpful in discipline as well. Great read, very useful tool for parents!
I hope your Monday is meaningful, your Tuesday terrific, have a wonderful Wednesday, thoughtful Thursday, Funny Friday, Successful Saturday, and Sweet Sunday . . .
Happy New Year! I know it was a week ago already, but I thought I should acknowledge the changing of the date . . . and share my reflections.
Looking back on 2010, it was a year of loss. My Grandma B died in April, we lost our baby in July, and in December my Grandpa VM went to be with the Lord. I rejoice knowing they have entered eternal worship in heaven, yet my heart is grieved again remembering the difficult months after losing our baby. Through loss there has been much healing and growth in faith, for which I am very thankful.
As we look ahead to 2011 we do not know what the Lord has in store for our family, yet we trust in Him and His will for our lives. It is my prayer that this year will bring more reminders of His sovereignty, His love and grace for us, and continued spiritual growth.
It is easy to start a new year with lots of goals and plans . . . I already have a list of projects for the first several months, I've been up early each morning this week to exercise and hope to maintain that healthy habit, I am trying out a few different printable planner pages to see what works best for me, and I started a new year of personal devotions (see box to right). As I commit my plans and goals to the Lord, I want to encourage you in your walk with Him in a new year . . .
Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."