Friday, March 30, 2012

On the Road

 I'm debating the details to share . . . I'm not sure if more details will make more sense or be more surprising . . . We took a family road trip to Sioux Falls, SD in this sleeper cab pulling 44,000 pounds . . . and then returned 30 hours later.  Crazy, right?  We look relatively happy and clean and decently rested, right? Because the previous picture was taken at the end of our journey!!
 We left Michigan at 2 pm on Tuesday.  The above picture is at about 7:30 Thursday morning while we wait for Stephan to get the paper work taken care of and trailer hooked up.  Briella and Gideon enjoyed watching out the window as we drove across MN, IA, and IL.  We got to see lots of wind turbines and tractor parts being hauled, we even saw a couple of airplanes, one landing while we passed the airport.

 We laid on the bed in the back reading books or just playing for most of the trip.  Briella and Gideon took turns sitting up front, too.

It was fun to stay with my sister and we got to see my parents and other siblings, too.  It was an adventure for sure!!  I'm not sure if we will be able to do it again . . . but it was worth it this time and I'm glad we took the opportunity to go!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Boys

 It has been a few weeks already, but I did take some 6 month shots of Asher and wanted to share a few of his best expressions.  Gideon is turning three soon, so we did a little photo shoot with him outside the other night.  He had some fun faces, too.  Such cute little boys and so much fun to have around.  We are blessed!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Monster Trucks

 A good friend of Stephan's got tickets to the monster truck show and invited Stephan and Gideon along.  Gideon was a little concerned when I told him it might be noisy (he is actually quite sensitive to noise!?!?!), but he ended up having a blast.  He was so excited to tell me how they crashed and smashed cars.  He also said at least three times that he did not like the teeth one . . . must have been on the side of a truck, Stephan wasn't even sure what he was talking about.  Gideon really liked the bus one :)  He told me that at least three times when he got home, too.
Speaking of three . . . Gideon is very excited to turn free on March twenty free.  I should teach him to show three fingers, but he only has singers on his hands and I'm not sure if he can put free singers up, we'll see :)  He often talks about going in the ban to various places and I realize now why he calls the van a ban, he sings the alphabet ABC  (yada yada) T U B W X Y and Z.  He has no V which leads to much confusion.  We'll keep working on the correct pronunciation of Finger, THRee, and Van . . .


Thursday, March 1, 2012

6 months

Asher is 6 months old already . . . I can't believe it has been six months since we brought home this little bundle of joy!  He is 16.6 pounds, measures 26.5 inches, and his head measures 18.25 inches . . . which puts him between 75-90% in all categories.  He has two teeth, enjoys rice cereal, loves to suck and chew on all things, he is rolling around and moving a lot more, he grabs at toys or hands or faces that are in reach.  He takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap and if either of those don't go so well, he take a short evening nap. He is usually in bed around 8 and sleeps until 8 or 9 am.  (With his recent cold/cough he has been up at night, but that seems to be passing, too)

Q is for Queen

 This week Briella is learning about Q and in a crazy moment I decided to make a crown for her to be a queen and of course Gideon gets a crown, too. They are reversible, but Gideon was crying about his owie (see how he is holding his arm out so nothing can touch his forearm where there is a small scratch).  So here is the butterfly side of Briella's crown.  She has some dress up clothes, so she has been wearing a dress with her crown and says she's a queen and she is fancy :)