Asher likes to play with his food sometimes . . . usually this is our clue that he is finished eating. As you can see he is quite proud of his smarty pants skilz.
Briella and Gideon helped me make these sugar cookie bars...they were very proud of their sprinkling. Do you see where I realized Gideon would require more assistance while sprinkling?!? We gave most of these away ...but enjoyed ourselves, too.
This is Gideon's new favorite game to play with Asher: pull him around on his blankie :) Asher laughs hysterically . . . until he slips ...
A couple more Gideon funnies to share:
**We went to a hockey game Friday night. Tuesday I was dressing Asher while Gideon dressed himself and then he gets up on his toddler bed and jumps over the foot board and says . . . "Now I can play hockey, Mom"
**While listening to the minister read the introduction to the ten commandments, Gideon turns to me and asks, "What's bondage mean?" (I found it a little tricky to explain quickly and quietly in church.)