We celebrated her 6th birthday with G & G P in town :) I think Briella enjoyed the extra attention and excitement on her birthday. Here is her purple sprinkle cake. (Two cakes in 8 days is a bit much, but I'm off until March!!) She brought party popcorn (with almond bark and sprinkles on it) for a birthday treat, she said everyone said thank you and they liked it, except A(the naughty boy)...
It is hard to imagine we have a 6 year old now!! She is so happy to be 6, to have her own Polly Pockets and a watch!! Briella is a blessing to our family, a great big sister and helper. She loves her family and friends and is very thoughtful at times. She loves her dolls (and now Pollys) and enjoys pushing Asher around in a stroller outside. We enjoy listening to her read, watching her grow in kindness and understanding of God and His creation.