Recently, Gideon has been lifting up his head and chest higher and more frequently. When he wakes up and I walk into his room I often see his forehead and sometimes his eyes peeking over the top of the crib. Once he sees me, he smiles and buries his head in the sheet and then looks up again. It is so fun to see that he is excited to see me :)Stephan usually calls on his way home from work and then I tell Briella daddy is coming home. We used to go by the window and watch for him, wave when he drove up, etc. Well, today she took her favorite 'baby' over to the window, held the dolls head up to the window and says "see daddy, daddy, see daddy, yea, daddy home, see daddy." He wasn't there, but it sure was cute to see!
At least a month ago, Briella and Gideon were playing in the toy room and I was around the house doing other things. It was quiet for awhile and I was starting to think I better check on them (for Gideon's safety) and as I start heading to the toy room I hear "mommy, mommy, mommy" in a rather cheerful, accomplished tone. Looking around the corner, Briella's proud moment left Gideon's outfit unsnapped from head to toe and one tab of his diaper loosened . . . we could have been moments away from a urine emergency, but mommy to the rescue and no emergency, phew.