We recently spent a long weekend up at a cottage on the lake with Stephan's sister and brother and their families. We didn't have the greatest weather, but the one nice day (Monday) we did get the suits out and Briella had a ton of fun with Addy in the sand. Addy taught her to make sand cookies :)
Briella also bonded with their dog Sammy. Saturday afternoon she was bonding with his tail and he took her for a ride. Her forehead met the corner of the end table, it wasn't pretty. She got quite a bruise, but it healed quickly . . .
Brian and Caleb, Stephan and Gideon (B&S are 17 months apart, their sons are 6 weeks apart). It was so fun to meet Caleb and have the boys 'play' together. 

(I'm noticing this snake and realizing that in the future there could be a lot of trouble with these two. . . I wonder if they'll play tricks on their sister(s?) and cousins with snakes . . . we'll see
PS:To the anonymous impatient family member, our computer has been down and we have been busy with family in town, sorry for the delay. If all goes well I might be able to post again tonight :) Do you think it's funny that your initials are PS (+ W), but the PS part is what is funny to me write now . . . oh my a lame MrHoekema joke, I better stop!
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