More Signs/Faces of Briella
This is her "mad face" from a precious book called I Love you Through and Through. It goes something like this-- "I love your top side, your bottom side, your inside, your outside. I love your happy side, your sad side, your silly side, your mad side."(and lots more) So this is her mad side to go with the book. She can only hold the face for 1.3 seconds and then starts laughing --funny :)
I'm not sure you can see that she is holding my cell phone. If I set it down in the wrong place (anything below 4 feet is the wrong place) she will open it and push buttons and now walk around and 'talk' on it. She jabbers while holding the phone, but while we were on speaker phone with my mom all she would do is point and wave.
she's so cute Em. You must have a blast with her.
She is a ton of fun to have around! I find myself just watching and wondering what is going on in that head of hers. These weeks are precious when I think about the changes that are to come!!
Briella looks very serious about wanting "more". She looks like a pro on the cell phone - you must be on that thing a lot! :-) Alison thinks that Briella must be the prank caller we got last night.
Jen and girls
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