So I totally forgot about my blogs first birthday . . . I can't beleive it was a year ago that I started this thing and I'm still doing it about as frequently as when I began. I thought I'd get better or something, but it still takes a long time to upload photos, and I'm still impatient . . . But, even though most of you never comment, I hope that there are more readers than commenters (that's what I tell myself anyway), I like to check back to see when things happened and it is kind of fun to write about some of the daily stuff around here.
We are making lots of progress on our entry way room that is becoming a playroom!! Can't wait to get the piles of toys out of the living room!! We need another coat of trim paint and then we're ready to lay carpet and it will be finished and I will post pictures of Briella playing in her own little space :)
Briella has learned to share with Gideon, but he isn't impressed with her dolls or her blankie. It is still sweet to watch, she doesn't even try and he'll smile at her! He obviously doesn't remember the wacks he has gotten from her! I feel the need to apologize to my brother Ryan if I was in his face as much as Briella is in Gideon's face . . . I'm guessing I was a little mommy to him and now I sympathize with Gideon--so sorry Ryan!
So I just wanted you to know that I set up my google account just so I could comment! :) Very cute pics of the kids - Gideon is getting so big! Briella looks a lot older when you put a baby on her lap! Glad that she likes Gideon and isn't jealous! :) I almost wrote Peachy Gid or Smithy Gid or whatever that was, lol!
Alison says....he's only smiling because he knows those girly socks will make everyone laugh.
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