The good thing about having 2 kids is they can keep each other company, the bad thing is they learn how to drive each other nuts.
The good thing about having a laptop is it is easy to check email and blog wherever I am, the bad thing is it is easy to check email or FB or other blogs wherever I am.
The good thing about the early shift is that Stephan is home by 3:00 in the afternoon, the bad thing is he is exhausted at 3 pm when the kids want to play.
The good thing about the early shift is that . . . oh I already wrote then 1 good thing, the other bad thing is that he is ready for bed at 8:30 and has to get up at 3am!
The good thing about Gideon eating a lot is I don't worry about him starving, the bad thing is what goes in, must come out and that is A LOT . . .
The good thing about finally having some sunshine in Michigan is that it is warmer and cheerful, the bad thing is . . . wait, what is the bad thing? . . . (I love the sun!!)
The good thing about my daughter learning her colors is that's one less thing to learn before school, the bad thing is the constant questioning (whats that? what color? green? red?).
The good thing about having visitors is fun times playing games, visiting, etc., the bad thing is realizing how many things you want to clean, pick up, or do before they come!
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