Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sorrow to Joy

I have been putting this off for a very long time. I don't even want to finish this, I probably won't tonight. But, I need to write about our precious child that we lost nearly two months ago.
Some days it seems like a long time ago, but I remember clearly that first morning when Stephan left early for work and I could not get back to sleep. The cramping was unbearable, the grief unimaginable; I could not find words to even pray. I tried to say the Lord's prayer, repeating over and over "thy will be done" and then trying to site Psalm 23 "yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, thy rod and thy staff comfort me."

I don't know what to write, but I need to write. I want to share the deep sorrow I felt and still feel for this tiny life that was a part of me for 11 weeks. Those weeks are incredibly precious to me, I had so many thoughts about and plans for this little one and it hurts that I won't have this baby that was to share my birth month, that was going to break our tie between girls and boys, that was going to be just a few months younger than a cousin to be born in October, that I don't have to move one or both of my kids upstairs to make room for a new baby, that I can't hold my little one or say "I love you and I loved you the moment I knew you would be a part of our family," and so much more . . .

Our family and friends have been so helpful, supportive, encouraging, caring. God has been gracious in so many ways, providing deep peace knowing that this is His sovereign will, surrounding us with loving family and friends, and blessing us with each other and our dear children. When Briella asked about the baby and I told her there is no more baby, the baby is with Jesus in heaven, she just nodded and then hours later said "You have another baby later" as the tears fell I learned what it means to have childlike faith. She has often said "Mommy you sad?" then "I have hugs for you." What a blessing, I am so thankful for her and Gideon who is also generous with his hugs. They have always been precious, but even more after such a profound loss.

I have learned and grown so much. My heart aches more for those who have lost, I love my husband and children more than I thought possible, I cling to God's promises sometimes in desperation and sometimes with great confidence, I appreciate and savor my times of personal devotions, I am more thankful for the blessing of a new day of life.

There is still a hole in my heart and at times it aches to hold that baby that we waited and prayed for. Other times I am so thankful for the blessing of our family and the faith and knowledge we have been given by our heavenly Father. In that there is joy.

Please remember to pray for those who are currently waiting to get pregnant or who have lost babies before or at birth. We often overlook these hurting members of the Kingdom because not everyone shares these struggles . . .

Proverbs 16:9 "A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.

Jeremiah 31:13b "I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."

WW---I love laundry!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ameteur Photo Shoot . . .

We recently went to a local park to take pictures of the kids. Here are a few cute ones that you might enjoy :)

I'm not even sure how many pictures we took, A LOT! But I'm quite sure only 10% of them are even worth looking at . . . unless you like to see the side or back of Gideon's head, or either of them running away. I think we did get a few that we will be printing and sending out.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Briella!

We had a weekend long celebration for Briella's birthday. Having a birthday on Sunday just kind of throws things off a bit. So Saturday morning Stephan took Gideon to run a few errands and Briella helped me make her mooonkey cake (she says "moon" and then "key" even though we've tried to get her to say "monkey") . While decorating the cake she said these things repeatedly "Is this my mooonkey cake?" "Make eyes for my mooonkey" "I free" "We will share it") Can you guess what I was saying repeatedly?? (yes,but we will share it, say monkey, pretty soon, it's THree). Later we all walked to the farmer's market, and then we let her open her presents (a few strawberry shortcake dolls with clothes, a doll seat/carrier, Steve Green CD's, and Memory). She was excited about each gift, but first started playing with the carrier, later she wanted to play with "my little girls."
After lunch we broke into the moonkey cake and she mostly ate the frosting . . .

Our favorite three year old seems to have grown up overnight. She notices and remembers so much more and it is amazing to me what she thinks about. She is excited to start Sunday School next week and keeps reminding me "Mrs. Koetje will be my teacher." She loves to help me do things and insists on doing more things herself. She wants to know everyone's name and is somewhat confused about who is her cousin and who is her friend and who is a stranger. We are so thankful for such a blessing.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Quiet Book

So about 6 months ago I was inspired by this cute Quiet Book with a tutorial, so I decided to give it a shot. There were lots of ideas on line and a friend had made a few so she sent me her ideas and even some sketches (Thanks MR)! I bought felt, ribbon, beads, and cut out all these shapes . . . then the project sat there for a long while and then last week I decided I should just finish! And I did. I'm quit happy with how things turned out, even though I'm not a perfectionist when it comes to sewing and I can see room for improvement.

We took it to church on Sunday and Briella enjoyed it, mostly the buttons and the beads . . . they are looking 'loved' already.
I have a couple of other projects in the works, plus some patching for Stephan . . . I might need a better sewing machine if this keeps up :)