Friday, May 30, 2008

Parade Pictures

Memorial Day Parade in Jenison . . .

Tulip Time in Holland--What a cutie :)

Another nephew--Aiden Buys

Congratulations to my brother Ryan's family on the birth of a healthy baby boy! Angie is a champ to give birth to a 10+ pound baby and I'm sure Emma will be excited about a little brother. We can't wait to meet him :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Way behind . . .

Well, I keep meaning to get into a more regular habit of updating my blog and then I plan to actually invite more people to see it . . . but it has not been easy to get to. Mostly b/c I enjoy reading other blogs and don't feel like there is that much going on to write about. Although, we enjoyed a parade on Memorial Day and have a few cute pics of Briella there. We finally finished painting our kitchen, and we love the bluish color :) Next on the list are the bathroom and hallway which will probably be painted a light tan with white trim . . . Stephan figured out how he is going to texture the bathroom to cover up the layers of paint that are too much work to scrape.
I am struggling to stay caught up with my Bible reading. During the week I am fine, but then on Sat and Sun we get busy with other stuff and I don't get to it and then it takes me a few days to catch up what I missed. So some days I am reading like 10 chapters, but I am not giving up, I really want to read the whole Bible this year (I try to update the books I am currently reading on the right).
Parents: If you haven't already read Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp, you really should. We started watching the video series (thanks to my sister) and he is so biblical and yet practical, it has been a blessing to us. Your church library might have it, but it is definately worth buying.
I will try to post some cute pictures soon . . .

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

8 months old!

8 months!

I can't believe it, but Briella is 8 months old already!! She is crawling around and pulling herself up as much as she can, yesterday I think she slipped at least 3 times on our wood floors and came down with a boom, I noticed a little bruise on her chin this morning :( I take a picture on the 5th of each month, so I will try to attach her lastest picture. I alwasy take it with the same froggy and yellow blanket so we can see her growth in comparison.

Softball season begins tonight, unless it rains. Stephan is always excited to get playing each year, I am not playing this year . . . It will be interesting to see how Briella does at these games since she really isn't old enough to play on the playground . . . we'll see.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy May!

Well, even though it is May, the weather here in MI is still not that great. Some days it is nice and sunny, but there is still rain and cold temps in the forecast. I like it to be warmer, but oh well.
I am reading I Kings, the story of Solomon and how he asked for wisdom. My Bible actually said he asked for understanding. What a great request, I wish I had more understanding about certain things, that's for sure! We are trying not to spoil Briella and it is hard to know when to comfort her (she is teething after all) and when she is throwing a mad fit that I left the room. She seems to be getting more used to it, so I can work in the kitchen and walk around while she plays, but some times she just screams. I am a softy at times and I know that if I was more consistent it would be better.
My parents are on their way to Michigan for a weekend visit, so that will be fun.
I am working on getting pictures in a frame I have had hanging up for a few months, but I can't find the pictures I really want . . .
Well, now I am babbling, so I will move on. The add image button isn't working right now, so I'll try again later :)