Friday, February 17, 2012

Jump Around

I'm not sure how this little 'game' even started . . . but I'm pretty sure it was Gideon's idea.  He loves jumping and finds new and dangerous ways to test his 'skills.'  Briella is often in the background telling him it is dangerous or to be careful. So they were using the balls as stairs to reach the top of the couch and then jumping onto the couch.  Anyway, you'll notice the supportive parent in the background trying to keep things safer.  After said safety-conscious parent suggested trying to land on their butts rather than just jumping to land on feet or knees, it took Gideon two seconds to figure out the new and improved jump with gusto.  Briella on the other hand needed lessons and hand holding (literally) to get her to attempt such feats. I do think the real safety police captured some great air shots :)

 Here is a picture of Asher's TWO teeth!


Friday, February 3, 2012

the long awaited Purse

 I am SO excited that I finally finished Briella's purse!  I cut it out last week and sewed it last night after the kiddos were in bed and Stephan was trying to fix the washing machine that was full of wet diapers . . . I was having a lot more fun than he was!!
The original plan for the purse was to put a "B" on the purse like the tutorial . . . I couldn't find a cool looking "B" worth cutting out and then with the holes in a B it seemed more complicated than it was worth.  Basically I chickened out . . . After a few minor issues I got the purse together and decided a little fabric flower would really add some cuteness, so I found a tutorial or three and made a flower (this morning I made 2 more because I thought it needed it . . .)
I was so excited to show Briella this morning . . . but she saw it on the counter and came to me with a big smile saying "I see a purse . . . "  I missed presenting it, but she is thrilled with how it turned out and I'm quite pleased myself!
Every time a finish a project I feel more comfortable sewing and it makes me think I can make more things . . . next up: ties for my little guys!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sew Crafty

The other night after the kids were in bed I went to my sister's house to do a little cooperative sewing (She does the hard stuff and advises me on the easy stuff).  I made a wet bag for my diapers, I bought one from another mom and decided a second one would be nice, so the blue bag is a for my diaper bag so when I change my cloth diapers while we are out, I can put the wet one in there and it doesn't smell up the diaper bag, the van, or the store/house.  Zippers are not the easiest, but I bought a separated one which made sewing it quite easy.
Since little Asher is drooling more and most of his bibs have been through Landon and Gideon, I wanted a few more nicer looking bibs.  On Pinterest I found some cute bib ideas where you use old shirts to make into cute bibs (upcycling is the crafty/environmentally friendly term to describe using old stuff) . . . So I cut up a couple of my old shirts and found clearance terry cloth to back them.  I need to do the velcro closures after I buy some velcro.
Crafty Mindy didn't need a pattern and she whipped out this cute little wallet for Briella.  My next project is to sew a purse that will match the wallet . . 
sew much fun!!