Thursday, September 29, 2011

One Month!!!

 Asher is one month old already and the excitement has not worn off for the siblings :)  I was trying to get a picture and they wanted to be right there, too, of course. 
According to my scale he weighs 10.2 pounds!!  He is keeping up a nearly one pound gain per week . . . but he is still our little peanut!

 I think he looks way older sitting up, but I just took these two pictures within a few minutes.  (Did you notice one of the blocks changed?  While I changed his clothes *someone* moved the blocks and lost one . . . urgh)

Monday, September 26, 2011

A little update . . .

Briella and I are doing "writing Practice" most days . . . we are working on writing, coloring, shapes, numbers, and soon letters.  She usually enjoys it, sometimes gets bored/lazy, but is always proud of her work.

Asher was 8 pounds 11 ounces at a 3 week check up . . . that's a gain of 2 pounds since we left the hospital!!  We are working on a schedule (read the shirt below for how that's going). 

 He has given us a few sleepy smiles, which are difficult to catch on camera . . . here is the closest we have so far.  The picture below is to give you a little better view of his hair in the back . . . I might have to try again to capture it all.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Briella

My mom, Stephan, Briella, Gideon and I all worked on this special purse cake.  Briella was so proud of it, later I caught her sitting and staring at it :)  She got training wheels from G&G Buys and Monday she tried them out.  She is a little chicken, so it took some coaxing and practice pedaling on the smaller bike, but she is getting the hang of it. 

The first picture I successfully posted was Briella at 7 months!  Wow, it seems like a long time ago and yet it seems like yesterday.  We gave her a new dress which came with a dress for her doll, she was so excited!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Asher Dale Postma

 On August 29 we were blessed with the birth of a healthy baby boy--Asher Dale arrived at 1:50 pm weighing 7 pounds, 1 ounce and measuring 20 inches.  He is doing well, we came home Wednesday.  Gideon and Briella are loving their little brother.

We chose the name Asher because it means "Filled with Happiness" and we feel truly blessed to be given another covenant child.  We chose Dale after my dad, Roger Dale (we each have a brother with the middle name Dale, too).