Thursday, December 5, 2013

Potty Training, Partnership, and Pregnancy

I'm sure many are wondering what has been taking me to long to update again . . . and well, we've been busy over here!! 

Potty Training:  We got off to a slow start, but after a couple of months Asher is potty trained!  It is always a dreaded project to undertake and I was hoping he was going to be a potty super star like his brother (who trained the week of his 2nd birthday and never needed pull ups!!--yep, he is my favorite).  Alas, Asher is more average and took awhile to catch on . . . and he still requires a pull up at night, but being diaper free is awesome!!

Partnership:  I joined my sister, Mindy, sewing for her business The Practical Mom Shop.  I am sewing soft soled baby shoes and hooded towels, she sews a variety of purses, wristlets, etc.  You can find our shop on FaceBook:  The Practical Mom Shop  It has been fun sewing so much, but keeps me busy during nap times and after the kids go to bed!

Pregnancy:  We are thrilled to be almost 18 weeks along and will have our fourth child in early May!!  Other than the exhaustion, I am feeling well.  The kids are SO excited, well Briella and Gideon are very excited about a new baby--she has convinced Gideon we need a girl so she can have a sister.  Asher may be sensing some change and is a little more clingy.

 I will also let you all know because of all of the above, the chances of a Christmas card getting mailed out in 2013 is looking slim!  We have already received a few and we love seeing them, but I'm afraid this is going to be a year off for the Postma Fam (please don't take us off your list!!)  I have no pictures this time, but maybe next week (haha) or another day this month, I will post a few pictures . . .

Friday, September 6, 2013

Briella is 6

 Briella has been excited for first grade for weeks and even though it was early, she was happy to head off to school Tuesday morning.  She came home telling me that her teacher was a nice lady and she thinks first grade will be fun.  Oh and she only has one naughty boy in her class this year . . .

We celebrated her 6th birthday with G & G P in town :)  I think Briella enjoyed the extra attention and excitement on her birthday.  Here is her purple sprinkle cake.  (Two cakes in 8 days is a bit much, but I'm off until March!!)  She brought party popcorn (with almond bark and sprinkles on it) for a birthday treat, she said everyone said thank you and they liked it, except A(the naughty boy)...

It is hard to imagine we have a 6 year old now!!  She is so happy to be 6, to have her own Polly Pockets and a watch!!  Briella is a blessing to our family, a great big sister and helper.  She loves her family and friends and is very thoughtful at times.  She loves her dolls (and now Pollys) and enjoys pushing Asher around in a stroller outside.  We enjoy listening to her read, watching her grow in kindness and understanding of God and His creation.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Asher Turns TWO

 Asher was excited to open his presents this year and has already had lots of fun building knocking down towers with his new foam blocks and love his little construction trucks from G & G Buys.  I 'braided' the edge of a fleece blanket and he is loving that as well.  This is possibly the best gift giving we've had--everything was exciting.  He said, "WOAH, woah, woah," many times!!

 He was with his rocket cake as well, especially the fire :)

We can't believe he is two already!!  We have enjoyed his enthusiasm for tucks and animals while driving down the road,  his effort to run to keep up with Gideon, and his motivation to learn to ride a 2 wheeler (!! yes, he wants to sit on the big bikes and after about a minute my back starts to hurt).  He is a generous hugger and recently added kissing to his skills.  He is on the quiet side and more laid back than his siblings.  We love our little guy!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

What Happened?!?! the Highlights

Evidently I needed a break.  I have been postponing my return to blogging, trying to think of something brilliant or newsworthy. I still have nothing.  I will share some recent, well, somewhat recent events in our lives.
--Gideon learned to ride a two wheeler in a few days time with very little help from his parents. In fact on day 2 (after practicing with Stephan the night before) he told me that I didn't need to keep holding on?!?!  So he would coast and balance a ways and come back to try again.  After seeing his success I suggested he try pedaling and he pretty much rode around the driveway after that. There were several falls. Several.  He would tell everyone that he can ride a two wheeler with NO training wheels (insert cheesy grin) and that he fell and hurt his knee .  . . Now he does tricks.  Yesterday I recorded several tricks that we did not teach him.  he rides with his feet on the top of the tire or on the handle bars, he also rides with one foot on the handlebars and one behind him, and he stands with both feet on the same pedal.  His first 'trick' was swerving and currently he is working on pulling the front wheel up. I think he is crazy and Briella thinks he is VERY crazy (She hasn't learned the 2 wheel yet...we are slowly talking her into it, but our summer days are running out...)
--Briella and Gideon took swimming lessons from the local swim nazi.  It was a bit traumatic, each day we had to count how many times we went and how many more times we had to go (both on the trip to Rita's and on the trip home).  Gideon asked repeatedly why they had to go 5 times.  By Friday they were both smiling when jumping in the side or off the board and could swim across the pool.  They have practiced a little since then, but it is nice to know they know how to swim and know a little water safety, too.  On Friday, the final day, Miss Rita talks to the kids and parents about water safety and she asked the kids what would they do if they fell into the pool.  Right away, Briella answers "Sink."  Rita says, "No, you SWIM, you know how to swim so you SWIM."  Briella's fear is sinking in the water and would cling on to either parent for dear life any time we were in the water. (see below for update)
--Asher is using some words and doing a lot more jabbering in the last month.  He and Gideon enjoy some wrestling matches, although they are short-lived because one of them tends to get hurt.  Asher has worn out 3 pairs of shoes while coasting on the tricycle.  He loves being outside almost as much as Gideon.
--My youngest brother, Tyler, got married in Canada in July.  I flew out by myself and left Stephan with the kids.  It went well on the homefront, he even managed a parade with all three :)  I was having issues trying to keep track of my kids in the midst of the other children around, then realizing my kids were not there, only to repeat the drama 42 minutes later.  And I lost a night of sleep on the way home, that was rough on many levels.  BUT the wedding was beautiful (I didn;t take my camera because I knew my sister would take TONS of pictures) and the rehearsal was the most fun one I've been to!!  I had a great visit with a former roommate and got to meet her husband during my layover in Portland.  The kids still talk about when I was in Canada like it is some exotic faraway place.
--We spent a few days camping at a near by 'resort' lake.  We had a small cabin. It was about 12'x15' including 2 bunks, a double bed, a table with 2 chairs, and a small fridge.  It was cozy.  We were close to the bathrooms (which is VERY important when camping with kiddos) and the pool was fabulous.  Since we stayed from Monday-Thursday it was not very busy.  The kids loved it and can't wait to camp again.  Maybe next summer we can try tenting it again??!?!  We spend hours at the pool and the kids really did great swimming to us, jumping in, playing (not clinging).  The puddle jumper life 'jacket' was awesome for Asher, he stayed up right and was able to 'swim' from parent to parent and was brave enough to just float about (i.e. no clinging).
--Earlier this summer Stephan built  a BIG sandbox in the back yard and the kids are playing in it more and more as the summer goes on.  Grandpa B made them a digger that we haven't had a place for them to use it until now.  We also got new neighbors and their girls are over often and want to play back there.  
--I think these are the highlights . . . maybe I missed some but I guess I can always post again and have 3 for August!!!  I would like to share some pics of Tyler and Rebecca's wedding, so I will get on that before their anniversary soon!
If you haven't seen Gideon's bike tricks, there is a video below.

Gideon's Bike Tricks

Monday, April 29, 2013

Boys' Outtakes

We have had the craziest weather here and I haven't been able to take Gideon's 4 year pictures or Asher's 18 month pictures.  SO we finally have had some decent days and decided to go for it!  The first park we went to still had too  much flooding to really get a lot of pictures, so we headed off to a second park with more options.  We still had to avoid lots of puddles and mushy grass, but it worked out OK.  I love to share some of the funny pictures that will not be printed or sent to anyone... 

Here is Asher thinking this is a fun game.
I told Gideon to put his hands on his hips and he didn't have a clue what I meant, so I placed his hands there . . . looks very natural, huh?!? OK, maybe not.

Asher was in rare form, he knew exactly what was going on and he would smile a naughty grin and then turn away as quickly as he could.   

Check out his eyes on this one . . . what a stinker!!

 Gideon tried really hard to cooperate, but that proved difficult with Briella finding cool or dirty things to show him and Dad trying to keep Asher happy and clean.

 In the end, the best smiles came when I said, "Asher, show me your tummy!!"
 Well, I did capture a few cute ones that I will edit and share later . . . We are loving the sunshine here in MI :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter/Spring Break/90th Birthday

 Here we are Easter morning in Kansas City.  We spent about 2.5 days in Kansas City.
 Monday we headed to Branson where the weather was not too delightful, but the kids wanted to swim.  We were able to swim at an indoor pool one day as well.

 The nice place we stayed had plenty of beds and tons of space. (Lots of clouds and rain, too)
 After 2.5 days in Branson we headed up to Hull, IA.  We visited my Grandma VM and celebrated Grandma M. 90th birthday!  Briella said "I have two really old grandmas."  (Note to Moms, I explained that the 'really old' grandmas we really her great-grandmas and the 'kind of old' ones are her garndmas ;))

Monday, March 25, 2013

Fun Filled Fourth Brithday

Gideon couldn't wait to turn four.  We started the day with a special birthday breakfast --donuts!!  After that he got to open his presents, a car carrier from Grandpa and Grandma Buys and a Bingo Game, Cars dominos, 2 hot wheels, and a paint book from us.

He got to run an errand with Dad and they stopped at the new Cabella's store in Grandville.  When the worker heard it was Gideon's birthday he game him a cool hat!  And there was some semi famous hunter there signing 5x7 pictures of him with a huge buck, so Gideon came home with two special souvenirs!

 Instead of a cake, we made a big birthday cookie to decorate.  Gideon has been talking about a tractor cake or a car cake for a long time . . . and I've been teasing him about a princess cake for just as long.  He was very concerned about getting frosting on the car, so I had to be careful, but overall it turned out pretty well :)
 Our big boy is 4!!  WOAH!  Gideon is lots of fun to be around, he has a ready smile for anyone :)  He loves being outside, playing cars/trucks, and throwing balls.  He has a caring heart and is growing in His love and understanding of God.  We are blessed by our big 4 year old!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I've Been Reading . . .

I guess I was on a reading break . . . like in college when they give you have coupe of days off so you can 'catch up on homework'  (OR see how many people can fit in a car and travel 100s of miles in a few days).  Well, I really have been reading. A LOT.  I thoroughly enjoy reading of many kinds and have stacks of books around my house.  I thought I'd share a few favorites in case you were wondering what I've been up to OR are looking for some good reads.

**LIES Young Women Believe by Nancy Liegh DeMoss and Danah Gresh.  These ladies had surveys completed by 100s or young women and focused on the most popular lies that young women believe about God, sin, themselves, relationships, etc.  They counter these lies with the truths that scripture teaches and end each chapter with reflection questions.  I would highly recommend this book to young ladies.

**The Look is small booklet by DeMoss about modesty and appearance and seeking what God teaches us in these areas.  A very short read, would be wonderful for a girls group or mom and daughter to read/ discuss together.
**Set Apart Feminity:God's Sacred Intent for Every Young Woman by Leslie Ludy addresses modesty, but also talks about how the daily life of young women (their thoughts, interests, friendships) should all be set apart for God.  I really enjoyed this one as well and think that it would be a great blessing to young women as well as a challenge to strive for a holy life lived before our holy God.

**A Woman’s Wisdom—How the Proverbs speak to everything by Lydia Brownback is another excellent read for women of all ages.  She takes several themes of the Proverbs and sets out what these principals should look like in our lives, encouraging women to live out the teachings of the Proverbs.  She is the author of Fine China is for Single Women Too a wonderful, sincere, biblical view the life God calls to those who are currently single.  Her devotionals : Joy, Trust, Contentment, and Purity are awesome books with brief biblical devotionals that I would highly recommend.

**Morning Will Come by Sandy Day and Little One Lost by Glenda Mathes both address issues of infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, and early infant death.  They share many stories of couples who have walked these difficult paths and share the confidence and hope we have in a loving God that carries us through the sad and confusing situations of life.

**Love to Eat, Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick is another book I would highly recommend to anyone who has food/eating issues . . . if you have been on diets and tried to lose weight or if you struggle with anorexia or bulimia.  She clearly teaches what the Bible says about food, eating, and all related issues.  She includes a checklist of questions to ask about eating, a list of several issues/temptations that lead us into sinful eating habits and scriptures to help encourage us along the right path.

**Disciplines of a Godly Family is written by Kent and Barbara Hughes.  We are using this in our church parenting group and everyone is enjoying it.  They are practical, biblical, encouraging, and realistic.  The back of the book includes various tools and appendices that are full on helpful information.  Kent wrote Disciplines of a Godly Man and Barbara wrote Disciplines of a Godly Woman that would also be great reads (I've read the woman one, but the the man one ;).

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Off to a slow start

After I typed the title I realize it could refer to many things . . . Asher finally walking at 17 months, me finally posting for a second time in 2013, the piles of snow finally filling up your yard.  So, here are a few things that have been happening around here in the past few weeks.

I made a cute owl taggie for my newest niece and decided her sister who loves purses should have an owl purse :) It was so fun to make these . . . love practicing on new projects!

Winter in Michigan has been slow to start.  We barely had a few inches even fall before Christmas and non of it stayed around  . . . and then a few weeks ago we started to have snow storms. a lot.  Last week Briella only had one day of school because Monday and Friday were snow days (she only goes Mon Wed Fri).  Gideon loves to be outside no matter the temperature and he can usually talk Briella into joining him.  Asher can't really get around much out there, so I brought some snow in for him to play with . . . he found it interested for a few minutes and then grunted towards the window wanting to be outside.  He has been out a few times since then, but he isn't always happy to be out in the snow either.


 I took some pictures of our backyard . . . those posts are 4x4s . . . see the snow piled up on them at least 8 inches high.  Also along the fence you can see it fell straight down and accumulated a few inches on the narrow fence rail.  The way the snow clung to the steps is odd and amazing?!?! Stephan built a fort with tunnels for the kids, it has recently doubled in size with all the snow this week.
 Occasionally we try to do some learning at home and after practicing some sight words and writing numbers Briella had to find the number of things I picked (13 blocks, 17 legos, 16 balls).
 Gideon had been tracing dotted lines and his name (never thought about how hard it might be to learn to write a 'G' right now we have slightly imperfect 6s).  Then he had to fill a bowl with objects of the color I told him.  They both thought this was tons of fun :)
A few funnies from our kiddos recently:
Back in December we took Briella and Gideon to a hockey game and while downtown looking for a parking spot Gideon calls out, "I see a lizzie-car!"  He was excited. I was confused.  Me: "Where Gideon?"  G: "On the road there"  Me: "What do you see?"  G: "a lizzie car!"  After searching I figured out what a lizzie car is . . . a limosine!
We often give the kids smarties in church and like I remember doing they arrange them on the Psalter into various shapes and patterns.  Last Sunday I made a "G" for Gideon and he ate a few and tried to shove them into some shape and then he said, "I made an underwear!"  (three across with two under them . . . I have to admit there was an undie resemblance)
Briella was watching me change my socks and shoes awhile back and asked me about my long toe.  I asked her what she was talking about and she clarified that my second toe was longer and 'different' (not the correct descending size).  I told her that I inherited a long second toe from my mother and that my father aggravated the situation by frequently pulling on it.  Briella remains confused about this situation.
Most of you already know that Briella attends Zion Christian School, and like most Christian schools they have an auction to raise money.  SO, the other day she was singing a song the Kindergarten class is learning . . . "Zion founded on the auction . . . "  I had to smile and ask her to repeat that again! (I'm sure the auction committee would be thrilled with a new ad campaign).  I am working on "mountain" with her now :) 
WOW: longest post ever?!?!  Have a great night!

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's About Time

 Our family on Christmas morning

 Gideon was pumped to get a couple of new hotwheels

 Asher resting on his new moose pillow

 Sunday we took family pictures of each family and I thought Asher looks so cute in this picture :)  I'm not sure what Uncle Dan was doing to make him laugh?!?!

 Postma Grandkids

 This shot totally cracks me up.  Asher is giggling and then there is Landon playing with his lips . . . taking pictures of lots of kids is always so fun :)

 Briella got this weaving kit and we made a potholder; so fun!

We decided to move the high chair out of the kitchen so we are all sitting by the table now!  It is nice and cozy with a family of five :)