Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Inontime --10 years

A few weeks ago, Inontime had an Open House to celebrate 10 years of business. Stephan loves his job and God has blessed the company in so many ways . . . in 10 years they have gone from 5 employees to over 90 and in this tough economy they continue to grow.

He let the kids come in one of the new trucks and test the horn :)

Grandma Postma turns 90

We had an Open House at Trinity United Reformed Church on Saturday, October 18, but today is her 90th birthday! Happy birthday Grandma!!

Grandma didn't know that Stephan's dad (her oldest son) was coming, so he called to talk to her and then walked in the room to surprise her. As you can see, she was surprised!! It was nice to celebrate a special day with her and meet some of her friends, too.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I'm feeling bad a/t not posting too often, my goal was not to have any months with a 0 or 1 behind them, but it is mid October and I have only posted once.
So, Briella is taking more steps, but prefers crawling or walking on her knees (across a whole room if needed, esp. when holding books or toys to bring to someone.) She is usually a good eater and has recently learned to sign please, it is so cute :) We are working harder on praying and thank you now.
I have been lax and am nearly a month behind on my reading the Bible in 2008. I am trying to 'catch up' by adding several chapters a day, but it is hard to make up for lost time and I don't want to skim through it either.
We had an ultra sound last week and everything looks good, the baby was moving around a lot. I think I witnessed the first somersault :) We are not finding out if it's a boy or girl . . . b/c everyone asks that question.
I've been reading some interesting books recently: A girlfriends guide to pregnancy (liberal view, but quite a funny take on pregnancy), Have a new kid by Friday (Kevin Lehman--great Christian author, funny, and serious about our job as parents, very practical for any age of kid), and other birth books . . .
Stephan is busy with cadets every Wednesday, they had their frist campout last weekend. The apartment we manage has recently had lots of turnover, so he has spent many hours working on that, too. One of these weeks we will have time to get working on the bathroom.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First Steps

We have no photo evidence, but Monday night Briella took about four steps. Stephan was sitting on the floor and she was sitting on his leg and kept standing up, I was watching from the couch. Stephan said something like 'she could just walk to the toy box.' As if she understood, she slowly walked over to the toy box. Tonight she took a few more steps to Stephan. Obviously we are excited and look forward to more steps in the future!