I finally found some time to do some sewing projects on my 'new' sewing machine I am buying from my Mom. I made Asher a little monster taggie, a mini version of Gideon's. Asher promptly broke it in with some drool . . .
I added his name to one of the legs for a personal touch . . . I'm not sure if it my lack of embroidery experience, or the difficulty of embroidering on the fleece, but it was hard to make neat letters! Must have been the fabric ;O
Stephan built these doll bunk beds for Briella as a Christmas gift and I sewed some 'mattresses' and pillows to go with them. She is pretty excited about her bed and there have been babies sleeping in it ever since!! (In the background you can see our new glider rocker from Grandma VM, we love it!!)
After a two week break, we are back to our preschool letters . . . we made ice cream for I last week. Briella is getting better at writing her name and coloring and it is fun to see her learn! She has progressed from scribbling in the vicinity of the shape with one color to using different colors on the picture and staying closer to the lines. I didn't realize this slow progression, but I'm thankful she has made some progress, because I was starting to wonder if she was just a messy colorer.
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