I guess I was on a reading break . . . like in college when they give you have coupe of days off so you can 'catch up on homework' (OR see how many people can fit in a car and travel 100s of miles in a few days). Well, I really have been reading. A LOT. I thoroughly enjoy reading of many kinds and have stacks of books around my house. I thought I'd share a few favorites in case you were wondering what I've been up to OR are looking for some good reads.
**LIES Young Women Believe by Nancy Liegh DeMoss and Danah Gresh. These ladies had surveys completed by 100s or young women and focused on the most popular lies that young women believe about God, sin, themselves, relationships, etc. They counter these lies with the truths that scripture teaches and end each chapter with reflection questions. I would highly recommend this book to young ladies.
**The Look is small booklet by DeMoss about modesty and appearance and seeking what God teaches us in these areas. A very short read, would be wonderful for a girls group or mom and daughter to read/ discuss together.
**Set Apart Feminity:God's Sacred Intent for Every Young Woman by Leslie Ludy addresses modesty, but also talks about how the daily life of young women (their thoughts, interests, friendships) should all be set apart for God. I really enjoyed this one as well and think that it would be a great blessing to young women as well as a challenge to strive for a holy life lived before our holy God.
**A Woman’s Wisdom—How the Proverbs speak to everything by Lydia Brownback is another excellent read for women of all ages. She takes several themes of the Proverbs and sets out what these principals should look like in our lives, encouraging women to live out the teachings of the Proverbs. She is the author of Fine China is for Single Women Too a wonderful, sincere, biblical view the life God calls to those who are currently single. Her devotionals : Joy, Trust, Contentment, and Purity are awesome books with brief biblical devotionals that I would highly recommend.
**Morning Will Come by Sandy Day and Little One Lost by Glenda Mathes both address issues of infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, and early infant death. They share many stories of couples who have walked these difficult paths and share the confidence and hope we have in a loving God that carries us through the sad and confusing situations of life.
**Love to Eat, Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick is another book I would highly recommend to anyone who has food/eating issues . . . if you have been on diets and tried to lose weight or if you struggle with anorexia or bulimia. She clearly teaches what the Bible says about food, eating, and all related issues. She includes a checklist of questions to ask about eating, a list of several issues/temptations that lead us into sinful eating habits and scriptures to help encourage us along the right path.
**Disciplines of a Godly Family is written by Kent and Barbara Hughes. We are using this in our church parenting group and everyone is enjoying it. They are practical, biblical, encouraging, and realistic. The back of the book includes various tools and appendices that are full on helpful information. Kent wrote Disciplines of a Godly Man and Barbara wrote Disciplines of a Godly Woman that would also be great reads (I've read the woman one, but the the man one ;).
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