--Gideon learned to ride a two wheeler in a few days time with very little help from his parents. In fact on day 2 (after practicing with Stephan the night before) he told me that I didn't need to keep holding on?!?! So he would coast and balance a ways and come back to try again. After seeing his success I suggested he try pedaling and he pretty much rode around the driveway after that. There were several falls. Several. He would tell everyone that he can ride a two wheeler with NO training wheels (insert cheesy grin) and that he fell and hurt his knee . . . Now he does tricks. Yesterday I recorded several tricks that we did not teach him. he rides with his feet on the top of the tire or on the handle bars, he also rides with one foot on the handlebars and one behind him, and he stands with both feet on the same pedal. His first 'trick' was swerving and currently he is working on pulling the front wheel up. I think he is crazy and Briella thinks he is VERY crazy (She hasn't learned the 2 wheel yet...we are slowly talking her into it, but our summer days are running out...)
--Briella and Gideon took swimming lessons from the local swim nazi. It was a bit traumatic, each day we had to count how many times we went and how many more times we had to go (both on the trip to Rita's and on the trip home). Gideon asked repeatedly why they had to go 5 times. By Friday they were both smiling when jumping in the side or off the board and could swim across the pool. They have practiced a little since then, but it is nice to know they know how to swim and know a little water safety, too. On Friday, the final day, Miss Rita talks to the kids and parents about water safety and she asked the kids what would they do if they fell into the pool. Right away, Briella answers "Sink." Rita says, "No, you SWIM, you know how to swim so you SWIM." Briella's fear is sinking in the water and would cling on to either parent for dear life any time we were in the water. (see below for update)
--Asher is using some words and doing a lot more jabbering in the last month. He and Gideon enjoy some wrestling matches, although they are short-lived because one of them tends to get hurt. Asher has worn out 3 pairs of shoes while coasting on the tricycle. He loves being outside almost as much as Gideon.
--My youngest brother, Tyler, got married in Canada in July. I flew out by myself and left Stephan with the kids. It went well on the homefront, he even managed a parade with all three :) I was having issues trying to keep track of my kids in the midst of the other children around, then realizing my kids were not there, only to repeat the drama 42 minutes later. And I lost a night of sleep on the way home, that was rough on many levels. BUT the wedding was beautiful (I didn;t take my camera because I knew my sister would take TONS of pictures) and the rehearsal was the most fun one I've been to!! I had a great visit with a former roommate and got to meet her husband during my layover in Portland. The kids still talk about when I was in Canada like it is some exotic faraway place.
--We spent a few days camping at a near by 'resort' lake. We had a small cabin. It was about 12'x15' including 2 bunks, a double bed, a table with 2 chairs, and a small fridge. It was cozy. We were close to the bathrooms (which is VERY important when camping with kiddos) and the pool was fabulous. Since we stayed from Monday-Thursday it was not very busy. The kids loved it and can't wait to camp again. Maybe next summer we can try tenting it again??!?! We spend hours at the pool and the kids really did great swimming to us, jumping in, playing (not clinging). The puddle jumper life 'jacket' was awesome for Asher, he stayed up right and was able to 'swim' from parent to parent and was brave enough to just float about (i.e. no clinging).
--Earlier this summer Stephan built a BIG sandbox in the back yard and the kids are playing in it more and more as the summer goes on. Grandpa B made them a digger that we haven't had a place for them to use it until now. We also got new neighbors and their girls are over often and want to play back there.
--I think these are the highlights . . . maybe I missed some but I guess I can always post again and have 3 for August!!! I would like to share some pics of Tyler and Rebecca's wedding, so I will get on that
If you haven't seen Gideon's bike tricks, there is a video below.
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