Friday, September 6, 2013

Briella is 6

 Briella has been excited for first grade for weeks and even though it was early, she was happy to head off to school Tuesday morning.  She came home telling me that her teacher was a nice lady and she thinks first grade will be fun.  Oh and she only has one naughty boy in her class this year . . .

We celebrated her 6th birthday with G & G P in town :)  I think Briella enjoyed the extra attention and excitement on her birthday.  Here is her purple sprinkle cake.  (Two cakes in 8 days is a bit much, but I'm off until March!!)  She brought party popcorn (with almond bark and sprinkles on it) for a birthday treat, she said everyone said thank you and they liked it, except A(the naughty boy)...

It is hard to imagine we have a 6 year old now!!  She is so happy to be 6, to have her own Polly Pockets and a watch!!  Briella is a blessing to our family, a great big sister and helper.  She loves her family and friends and is very thoughtful at times.  She loves her dolls (and now Pollys) and enjoys pushing Asher around in a stroller outside.  We enjoy listening to her read, watching her grow in kindness and understanding of God and His creation.


Angela said...

What is holding that cake on the platter in the bottom picture!?!?! It must be a magic cake. Happy 6th Birthday Briella! Emma would love to play Pollys with you. Glad school is going great.

Emily said...

Angie, I think the angle looks worse than it is . . . but the frosting around the bottom dries like glue . . . evidently.