After I typed the title I realize it could refer to many things . . . Asher finally walking at 17 months, me finally posting for a second time in 2013, the piles of snow finally filling up your yard. So, here are a few things that have been happening around here in the past few weeks.
I made a cute owl taggie for my newest niece and decided her sister who loves purses should have an owl purse :) It was so fun to make these . . . love practicing on new projects!
Winter in Michigan has been slow to start. We barely had a few inches even fall before Christmas and non of it stayed around . . . and then a few weeks ago we started to have snow storms. a lot. Last week Briella only had one day of school because Monday and Friday were snow days (she only goes Mon Wed Fri). Gideon loves to be outside no matter the temperature and he can usually talk Briella into joining him. Asher can't really get around much out there, so I brought some snow in for him to play with . . . he found it interested for a few minutes and then grunted towards the window wanting to be outside. He has been out a few times since then, but he isn't always happy to be out in the snow either.

I took some pictures of our backyard . . . those posts are 4x4s . . . see the snow piled up on them at least 8 inches high. Also along the fence you can see it fell straight down and accumulated a few inches on the narrow fence rail. The way the snow clung to the steps is odd and amazing?!?! Stephan built a fort with tunnels for the kids, it has recently doubled in size with all the snow this week.
Occasionally we try to do some learning at home and after practicing some sight words and writing numbers Briella had to find the number of things I picked (13 blocks, 17 legos, 16 balls).
Gideon had been tracing dotted lines and his name (never thought about how hard it might be to learn to write a 'G' right now we have slightly imperfect 6s). Then he had to fill a bowl with objects of the color I told him. They both thought this was tons of fun :)
A few funnies from our kiddos recently:
Back in December we took Briella and Gideon to a hockey game and while downtown looking for a parking spot Gideon calls out, "I see a lizzie-car!" He was excited. I was confused. Me: "Where Gideon?" G: "On the road there" Me: "What do you see?" G: "a lizzie car!" After searching I figured out what a lizzie car is . . . a limosine!
We often give the kids smarties in church and like I remember doing they arrange them on the Psalter into various shapes and patterns. Last Sunday I made a "G" for Gideon and he ate a few and tried to shove them into some shape and then he said, "I made an underwear!" (three across with two under them . . . I have to admit there was an undie resemblance)
Briella was watching me change my socks and shoes awhile back and asked me about my long toe. I asked her what she was talking about and she clarified that my second toe was longer and 'different' (not the correct descending size). I told her that I inherited a long second toe from my mother and that my father aggravated the situation by frequently pulling on it. Briella remains confused about this situation.
Most of you already know that Briella attends Zion Christian School, and like most Christian schools they have an auction to raise money. SO, the other day she was singing a song the Kindergarten class is learning . . . "Zion founded on the auction . . . " I had to smile and ask her to repeat that again! (I'm sure the auction committee would be thrilled with a new ad campaign). I am working on "mountain" with her now :)
WOW: longest post ever?!?! Have a great night!