Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Zoo Fun

Mindy, Belinda and Joel, Janice and I took all these kids to the zoo on Friday. It seemed like a brilliant way to spend a sunny March afternoon (and Mindy thought pushing a double stroller up some hills might induce labor for me, but alas, she was incorrect)!!

Tessa and Briella spent most of the time in the stroller, and enjoyed the bigger animals that moved around. I think the highlight for Briella was watching all the people and kids around her. Although, seeing a real lion and 'saying' a word she knows (Roar) was also a big trill!

Briella has recently picked up a few new words: baw (ball), bawbaw or datdat (baby), uh-oh, and oof (woof, what a dog says). She has kind of said "mama" a couple of times, usually while whining, so I'm not sure if that should be counted as a word, it just isn't that touching to hear her call me while whining . . .
Oh, no you didn't miss it, we have no baby news. Saturday is the officially unreliable due date. I wish I could say that I am patiently waiting to meet the little one, but I'm starting to have nightmares of a stubborn child and eternal pregnancy and public birth scenes. Patience and sleep are lacking, but I am feeling quite well . . . I really hope this is my last post before the baby comes, but I had that in my head last time and well, here I am still blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did ya catch on that Mindy only wanted you to push the double stroller so that SHE didn't have to? Enjoy your last few days of one-on-one with Briella! She'll be sharing you soon enough!