Monday, February 28, 2011

So much to say, so little time

Wow, February is almost over?!?!  What happened??  

Our due date was February 23, so it is sad to think we would be holding a little baby right now, but God had other plans.  His abundant grace has carried us through and blessed us with peace in our sadness.  In His perfect timing we are also expecting again and due in September.  We are so thankful for another blessing and look forward to our family growing.  Thank you for all the prayers that have encouraged us through the past several months.

Stephan continues to be busy at work and we are thankful for the steady job he has had going on 8 years!  He also has another part time job keeping our driveway clear from all the snow these past 2 months, seriously unbelieveable (it doesn't pay very well though).

Briella is preparing to move upstairs to her own room.  She is taking naps up there now and enjoys being such a big girl.  I keep noticing how big she is getting and if I say it once she will repeat it dozens of times through the day (I've learned to keep my thoughts to myself).  She is a little mommy and can't wait to be a big sister again.

Gideon is growing so fast as well, we can't beleive he is almost 2.  He is a rough little guy and loves to run, play trucks, throw balls, and make animal noises.  He is talking so much now and it is hilarious to hear him try to repeat bigger words that he hears us say.  It has been a lot of fun!

I am trying to keep up with the house work in between naps, but I think I'm mostly through the exhaustion.  I have so many projects I am in the middle of or just want to get to, but it is hard to find time and energy together . . . 

That's a brief update . . . I will try to get some pictures up later today.



Unknown said...

I am so excited for you guys! God certainly shows us that our timing is not always his own. I'm glad that the tired stage is almost done for you! Now you can just enjoy your family and being pregnant!

Darlene said...

Emily - I admire your grace through such a tough situation. Thank you for stopping by my blog, I am now definitely a fan of yours. The links are updated.

God bless,

Kimber Van Essen said...

I love reading your stories- someday you will truely treasure having these little funny moments written down. And congrats on expecting again. God's timing is perfect and His blessings abound in many unexpected ways. Take care my friend.