Monday, August 3, 2009

Picture this (Because I don't have a picture of this)

Sunday morning services:
When Stephan walks to the front of the sanctuary to collect, Briella can hardly sit still, she must point and say "DADDY." As he gets closer with the basket, I hand her the envelope and tell her daddy will give her the basket and she can put it in the basket. (Lots of excitement, smiles to anyone around, points to daddy, nearly jumps from pew) The much anticipated basket comes near, envelope is inserted, I receive the "YEAH I DID IT" smile (lots of wrinkles around the nose/eyes). Collecting, round 2, Briella starts walking toward the aisle (she has figured out a quicker way to get the envelope in the basket), I whisper, "Briella, come here!" She thankfully obeys. (I'm holding Gideon, by the way, adding to the difficulty of the situation). Before Stephan arrives with the basket, the envelope falls over the back of the pew and no one is sitting behind us, so I send Briella to go get it, then daddy arrives, the envelope goes in, 2 for 2! Yeah Briella!! (In the midst of all this a few elderly couples across the row are smiling knowingly, all the while encouraging my little social bug to keep performing).

Although not quite as cute, and not exactly flattering to ALL of us:
Briella is eating breakfast as the first loud thunder erupts: "WOOOAH" smiles and clapping follow. Later, loud gas from a parent; "WOOOAH" smiles and clapping follow. Thanks Briella for the encouragement and support.

Briella was not so happy trying to climb onto the couch, she starts that frustrated crying, whiny stuff and I look over and notice that since her cute jean capris are tight enough to stay on her little butt, they do not allow her knees to bend and she cannot climb onto the couch! (If it's not one problem, it's another, poor girl)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute church story - I can definitely picture that! The gas....trying not to picture that!