Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

 Every Mother's Day I make sure to get a picture of me with the kids.  As we add kids this is becoming a little bit challenging.  So since there was no great picture, I'm going to share the three semi-respectable ones we got.   
 Does it look like Asher needs a haircut?!?  I am thinking so . . . he has a patch of long hairs on the top that are quite obvious in these pictures ;)
 Last week, Asher was a little off on his naps and rather cranky after dinner . . . I was going to quick grab a drink and do something before feeding him so he could go to bed!  Within a minute he went from whining to this:
Sleeping face down on the floor with the kids playing right there!  I couldn't believe it, poor kid was T.I.R.E.D. 

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