Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gideon's 2

It is so hard to believe how quickly the past two years have gone  . . . from this innocently sweet little boy to the rascal who gave me a little present for his birthday:

 His other mommy saw this and used my very words "Gideon, what did you do?!?" with the same tone of voice that went through my head when I saw the mess.  After wiping it up, Briella had so much fun that she gave him an orange marker to try again.  I guess we need to explain that sometimes sharing is a bad thing.  I was only a few feet away the whole time, but completely distracted by the birthday dump truck.  It turned out pretty well I thought . . . always a little more complicated than the  5 step instructions, but oh well.  Gideon was thrilled, especially when I let him try some of the 'dirt' in the truck.

This is Stephan's project for Gideon's birthday (isn't he talented?!? he just whipped this up on Saturday).  The tool bench isn't quite complete, but close.  I hear lots of banging in our future! 

Maybe you noticed the undies on the first picture, we are slowly working on potty training.  He has gone in the little potty several times and has even told me when he has to go more recently.  He loves his car underwear and we might be switching to undies only at home, but I'm a little reluctant chicken and keep putting it off.  He is so proud when he goes and we cheer, give high fives, call daddy, give bumps with fireworks, and act a little crazy.  (His other mommy is very proud too; she checks on his progress, discusses stats, and tells him good job repeatedly.)

Gideon is still a sweet boy, regardless of the messes he makes.  He is generous with hugs and smiles and is quite agreeable, too.  He definitely fits the meaning of his name "warrior" and shows his strength and toughness daily! We are thankful for the blessing he is in our lives and pray that he grows into a man after God's own heart.

1 comment:

Missie said...

Awesome job on the cake Emily! The look on his face after he drew you a 'present' is priceless!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIDEON! BIG hugs from 'Aunt' Melissa & 'Uncle' Jeremy!