Monday, March 14, 2011


 As I was dressing Gideon this morning I remembered that recently his Uncle Nate, an assistant coach at Augustana College in South Dakota, was at wrestling nationals.  I checked, Augie got 3rd at Nationals--Way to Go!!  I remember watching Nate wrestle at two national events and it was exciting (and stressful).   Gideon is a rough boy and loves to wrestle already, I'm not sure if competitive wrestling is in his future . . . but thought we'd send a little wrestling love to Uncle Nate!


Anonymous said...

Hopefully uncle Nate doesn't have similar drool spots on his wrestling coach clothes! :-)

Heather Buys said...

Adorable picture:) Nate says thanks for thinking of him!! You get Gideon to wrestle and we will be there to watch:)!

Emily said...

Jen--I thought the same thing after I saw the picture on the computer rather than the camera . . .

Heather--well that puts me in a tough spot, we'd love to have you come visit . . . but I'm still not sure my heart, my voice, and my nails can handle him wrestling (and Zion doesn't currently have wrestling) oh and he is almost 2 . . .