Saturday, June 23, 2012


Briella is learning a lot of new things and it is so fun to watch her catch on to things and stumble in her understanding.  Here are a few of my recent favorite quotes.

**She was sitting (on the toilet) and smashing her thighs together--it takes a bit of effort to get them to touch. She said, "My legs are getting chubby just like yours Mom! Isn't that cool?!?" My response: "Very cool Briella" WHATEVER???

**Today in the van, "Do you know how high I can count?" "How high Briella?"  "To eleventy"  Hope you are impressed because I do not know anyone else who can count to eleventy!!

**At Dinner: "Dad, you are getting gray hairs here."  (pointing to the temple area where there are in fact several gray hairs)  "You look like you are going to be a grandpa."  (Lots of giggling)

**During lunch, telling stories to Gideon . . . "I was sleeping with my kids' daddy . . ."  (UM, not sure we are ready for any boy talk and she is talking about marriage!?!?)

**During dinner awhile back:  Briella says, "We need to wash the windows again, Mom." I looked at her?!? "They're dirty." I made her help me wash them the other day :)

**In the Aldi parking lot: "Mom, an eagle!" as she points to a seagull.  Just not the same, dear. 

**Playing at the park: "Mom, Gideon is crying" (Standing right there it is clear he is not crying) "Right here" (pointing at sweat running down the side of his face).  lovely :)


Mindy said...

Silly Briella!

Angela said...

Funny! These are all cute! Btw, My kids sweat too, Gideon, I think its due to a certain gene that your dad is not responsible for. :-)

Emily said...

Thanks Angie . . . I think. She has been cracking me up lately so I started typing them in . . . now I am collecting a few Gideon quotes :)

Angela said...

It's so fun to look back and read quotes. When I read my kids old quotes its hard to believe they were ever that young! Its funny how fast you forget that stuff if you don't write it down. Keep them coming.