Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Father's Day

 So we usually try to take a picture of us with the kids on "our" day of the year . . . we totally missed Father's Day . . . well we celebrated with cinnamon rolls for breakfast, new socks, etc. but did not get the picture taken as planned.  So, the next Sunday we remembered!!  After a few turned heads, I got them all looking at me at the same time--while smiling!!

Below are the pictures I took for a gift for Stephan.  Asher wasn't very cooperative but he has "ad" on his feet; together they say "We <3 Dad"  It was not easy to get them to sit still and face me with their feet upright, so the best two are not completely clear.  The bottom two are just reminders that some times we don't see the effort behind the results.

They do love their dad :) He is celebrated each day when he comes home from work with cheers and hugs.  They love to have him read to them, play with them outside, show them videos on his ipod, and wrestle with him (among other things).  We are blessed with a godly husband/DAD!

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